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The Creator: Deanna Biesemeyer -aka- Ino, Telephone









Deanna, known online as Ino89777, is responsible for the concept of the Dutch Angel Dragon species and the creator of the iconic character "Telephone". She runs Skypro Fursuits and is married to Cerros, the owner of the dragon "Radio".


Why the name Dutch? - The Story of Ino's Best Friend


Long ago from she was just a kid, Ino had always dreamed of owning her own horse. One day, she came across a handsome Palomino Gelding that was for sale and with her own birthday money she saved up and was able to lease him. Unfortunately she did not know that this horse, whose name was Dutch, was practically unable to be ridden because he had a habit of throwing his riders. As expected, Dutch threw Ino off of him too… but only once. Something seemed to happen that day as the two of them began to form an unbreakable bond. She kept the horse at the original owner’s ranch, paying board each month. Debra, the ranch owner, was blown away by Ino’s bond with Dutch and could not believe that she could do almost anything with him when no one else could.



Sadly on August 1st, 2006, Dutch developed equine colic, a severe disorder of the digestive system. He was rushed to an animal clinic for horses where he underwent surgery. Ino stood by his side through the entire operation, not leaving her horse for anything. Finally, after surgery, Dutch awoke and was attempted to be taken outside. Still groggy from anesthetics, he stopped and refused to move any further until Ino walked up to him. Dutch slowly pulled away from the man leading him to a recovery stall and he placed his head on Ino’s chest. She cried holding her half drugged horse's head in her arms saying everything will be okay. After standing there for awhile, Ino led Dutch to his stall. He was set up with IV’s and a given a soft padded enclosure and it was time for Ino to go home for some rest. She insisted that she would stay with him all night but the vet clinic would not allow it. As she walked away, all she could hear was Dutch calling and pacing in his stall as she left.

The next morning, Ino got a call from Debra crying. Dutch had passed away from complication of the surgery. “It felt like my world had ended. My horse, no, my best friend, my companion and my dream was gone. I felt like my soul was taken and there was nothing left, my guardian angel had left me.” Ino had said.

On Aug 3rd, Ino was out shopping with her mother when she stopped and picked up a newspaper; it had a photo of her and Dutch on the cover. The article read ‘13-Year-old loses horse, best friend’. Immediately she broke down into tears. The article talked about her adventures with Dutch and how in the end he left her too soon. The story got out, and before they knew it, they were getting donations left and right from all over the country. With it, they were able to pay off the $7,000 in vet bills and they also had enough left over to find Ino a new horse.



Her heart still broken, Debra encouraged Ino to go look at some horses for sale. Horse after horse, nothing felt right; she did not feel that bond like she did with Dutch. But one day in her search, Ino walked out into a field of several horses to take a look at them. A tall, skinny Bay 

horse with one white sock named Studly slowly walked over to Ino when none of the other horses would. Studly was the one. Without question, Ino and Debra paid for the horse and took him home. On the way home, Debra asked Ino what she would like to name him. She replied, “With everything that has happened, I feel like I must have some guardian angel watching over me in the sky; I think I will name him Sky.”


They went on to win 6 belt buckles in barrel racing events and even went to the Arizona barrel racing nationals. They were the same age and happily share the same birthday together. Sky greatly enjoyed his life following the girl that called him Sky until his passing 2017. Sky lives on in the hearts and minds of Ino and the community, his legacy is being honored as Skypro Fursuit's mascot.

Dutch Angel Dragons are an open and regulated species developed by and copyrighted to Deanna Biesemeyer (Ino). Within this website, we may use the shortened term “Angel Dragons” and this will always be referring to the specific species made by Ino.


We do not, in any way, lay claim to all angelic-like dragons and do not inhibit the use of the term “angel dragon” by anyone. Fair warning: It has been observed that using this description for other concepts may lead to confusion and/or conflict within circles who know of Ino’s species. Use at your own risk.

For help on this subject, please read the full disclaimer here.



© 2009-2018 Deanna Biesemeyer

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