Dutch Angel Dragon Official Merchandise
Officially licensed Dutch Angel Dragon merchandise can be found on this page. Any attempt to duplicate the products, images, and designs found for sale here is an unauthorized use of the Dutch Angel Dragon species copyright. You may not sell mass produced merchandise of the species, Telephone's likeness, or the official logos without written permission from Deanna Biesemeyer (ino).
Our official products are all produced and sold by Warhorse Workshop: a company run by Ino's husband, Cerros.
You can buy his products online or in person at various convention events!
Upcoming Events Calendar:
-Anthro Northwest [Nov 9-12 Seattle, WA
-Arizona Fur Con [Nov 17-19 Phoenix, AZ]
-Midwest FurFest [Nov 30-Dec 3 Chicago, IL]
-FURther CONfusion [Jan 11-15 San Jose, CA]
-Texas Furry Fiesta [Feb 8-11 Dallas, TX]
-Furry Weekend Atlanta [April 5-8 Atlanta, GA]
-Anthrocon [July 5-8 Pittsburgh, PA]